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Products tagged with Kuso Vinyl

Kuso Vinyl
Article code KUS24_111
available for ordering
Kuso Vinyl [USED] 7" Fahrenheit Shimi by Rotobox
Kuso Vinyl
[USED] 7" Fahrenheit Shimi by Rotobox
available for ordering
Kuso Vinyl & Jesse Hernandez teamed up again to mix elements of Aztec/Maya culture with an urban feel, but this time the figure (Death Serpent) looks a bit more sinister. That might just be because it appears to not have flesh on its skull and some glowin Read more
[USED] 9" Death Serpent (Gold) by Jesse Hernandez
[USED] 9" Death Serpent (Gold) by Jesse Hernandez
Kuso Vinyl & Jesse Hernandez teamed up again to mix elements of Aztec/Maya culture with an urban feel, but this time the figure (Death Serpent) looks a bit more sinister. That might just be because it appears to not have flesh on its skull and some glowin