Step into the magical world of Japanese artist Konatsu with the Ryudora (Shine Dragon GID) edition. This figure represents a dragon, blending cuteness with fierceness through its intricate details, sweet stance, and expressive wings and eyes. The Shine Dr Read more
This is the Ryudora (Shine Dragon GID) designed by Konatsu
Step into the magical world of Japanese artist Konatsu with the Ryudora (Shine Dragon GID) edition. This figure represents a dragon, blending cuteness with fierceness through its intricate details, sweet stance, and expressive wings and eyes. The Shine Dragon edition is crafted from glow-in-the-dark (GID) vinyl, making it shine like a star in the dark.
Standing at 4 inches (about 10 cm) tall, this sofubi (Japanese soft vinyl) figure captures the essence of Konatsu’s imaginative artistry. The glow-in-the-dark feature adds an enchanting touch, making Ryudora a captivating addition to any collection.
Each Konatsu figure is handmade, handpainted, and meticulously packed by skilled artisans in Japan, ensuring a premium feel and exceptional durability.
The Ryudora (Shine Dragon GID) by Konatsu is a limited edition
Artist | Konatsu |
Size | 4" - 10 cm |
Produced | Limited edition |
Released | 2021 |
Label | Konatsuya |
Medium | Japanese Vinyl (sofubi) |