Meet the Kudara (Red Fox) by Konatsu, a charming 2-inch figure that captures the playful essence of a red fox peeking out of its hiding place. Designed by the talented Japanese artist Konatsu, this adorable figure might be a clever nod to the Kudara Kanno Read more
This is the Kudara (Red Fox) designed by Konatsu
Meet the Kudara (Red Fox) by Konatsu, a charming 2-inch figure that captures the playful essence of a red fox peeking out of its hiding place. Designed by the talented Japanese artist Konatsu, this adorable figure might be a clever nod to the Kudara Kannon, a revered Japanese national treasure sculpture housed in the Horyuji Temple. Or perhaps, it's simply a cute fox in a tube. Either way, it's undeniably adorable!
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the Kudara (Red Fox) features a vibrant red hue that brings this tiny creature to life. Its compact size makes it a perfect addition to any collection, adding a touch of whimsy and charm.
Each figure is handmade and handpainted by skilled artisans in Japan, ensuring that every piece is unique and of the highest quality. This limited edition sofubi (Japanese soft vinyl) toy is a must-have for collectors and fans of Konatsu's work.
The Kudara (Red Fox) by Konatsu is a limited edition.
Artist | Konatsu |
Size | 2" - 5 cm |
Produced | Limited Edition |
Released | 2025 |
Label | Konatsuya |
Medium | Japanese Vinyl (sofubi) |