• Lorem ipsum


Welcome to my little section of Mintyfresh! I am Kloes a.k.a. Joël van Egmond, I'm an artist based in the Netherlands.

(And also the owner of mintyfresh....sssshhhttt....)

Somehow you ended upon my section of the great webshop. I'm just a modest artist in my spare time and returning customers know we're very generous with gifts that i made over the years and insert in your packages.

So this Kloes page is created to sell not only old shit, also Kloes latest products should be available here. Screenprints, toys, merchandise, art, magnets.... you name it we will have it.  

So, yeah, my name is Joël a.k.a. Kloes, from Rijnsburg, the Netherlands. I love to create, be it on paper, digitally as a mural or sculpture... I love it all. I clearly have ADHD which helps with new idea's and somehow I managed to run my company Mintyfresh since 2008 which functions to this day as way to stay close to the art scene and also somehow pay my bills.

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