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Mighty Jaxx

Singapore based designer toys and art collectibles studio and online shop, artist collaborations for high quality figurines and statues for collectors and hobbyists.

Mighty Jaxx
Article code MIG22_031
available for ordering
Introducing Picky Eaters! A new lineup from artist Po Yun Wang and Mighty Jaxx. She's picky about food, but not so picky about hygiene. The Maiden picks her nose with her pinky - the only greens she willingly goes after. What's that behind her back?! Not Read more
Mighty Jaxx
Picky Eaters: The Maiden by Po Yun Wang
Introducing Picky Eaters! A new lineup from artist Po Yun Wang and Mighty Jaxx. She's picky about food, but not so picky about hygiene. The Maiden picks her nose with her pinky - the only greens she willingly goes after. What's that behind her back?! Not
available for ordering
The Hole-Home (Famous) Mintyfresh Exclusive by Juce Gace will be available on October 19th at - 12:00 AM (Los Angeles) - 3:00 AM (New York) - 9:00 AM (Amsterdam) - 4:00 PM (Tokyo) Read more
Juce Gace Hole-Home (Famous) Mintyfresh Exclusive by Juce Gace
Juce Gace
Hole-Home (Famous) Mintyfresh Exclusive by Juce Gace
The Hole-Home (Famous) Mintyfresh Exclusive by Juce Gace will be available on October 19th at - 12:00 AM (Los Angeles) - 3:00 AM (New York) - 9:00 AM (Amsterdam) - 4:00 PM (Tokyo)
Mighty Jaxx
Article code MIG21_267
available for ordering
Uniman is a sliver of sea urchin. One day, he woke up in a fish market in Tsukiji, waiting to be eaten. Not having seen the outside world before, he was strangely fascinated by it. He said to himself, ‘Oh no! I must try everything at least once before bei Read more
Mighty Jaxx
Uniman! - Blind Box Series
Uniman is a sliver of sea urchin. One day, he woke up in a fish market in Tsukiji, waiting to be eaten. Not having seen the outside world before, he was strangely fascinated by it. He said to himself, ‘Oh no! I must try everything at least once before bei
available for ordering
Introducing the first collaboration between Chinatown Market and Mighty Jaxx!

The Chinatown Market Smiley Mona Lisa (MJ Edition) is a half-length art toy by leading brands Mighty Jaxx and Chinatown Market. It is considered a masterpiece of 2021, and ha Read more
Mighty Jaxx
Smiley Mona Lisa (MJ Edition) by The Chinatown Market
Introducing the first collaboration between Chinatown Market and Mighty Jaxx!

The Chinatown Market Smiley Mona Lisa (MJ Edition) is a half-length art toy by leading brands Mighty Jaxx and Chinatown Market. It is considered a masterpiece of 2021, and ha
out of stock
Meet the Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: My Little Pony collection!

Add a little magic and colour to your collection with the brand new series, featuring your favourite My Little Pony characters like you've never seen before. Each pony is dissected in Ja Read more
Mighty Jaxx Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: My Little Pony by Jason Freeny (Open Boxes)
Mighty Jaxx
Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: My Little Pony by Jason Freeny (Open Boxes)
Meet the Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: My Little Pony collection!

Add a little magic and colour to your collection with the brand new series, featuring your favourite My Little Pony characters like you've never seen before. Each pony is dissected in Ja
Mighty Jaxx
Article code MIG21_021
available for ordering
We're back with Sentrock for the second colourway of the highly sought after Bird City Saints!

Decked in the outfit of a Chicago sports team, the second colourway of Bird City Saints pays homage to where the artist is based. Bird City Saints wears a ma Read more
Mighty Jaxx Bird City Saints (Chicago Edition) by Sentrock
Mighty Jaxx
Bird City Saints (Chicago Edition) by Sentrock
We're back with Sentrock for the second colourway of the highly sought after Bird City Saints!

Decked in the outfit of a Chicago sports team, the second colourway of Bird City Saints pays homage to where the artist is based. Bird City Saints wears a ma
available for ordering
Securely packaged in their clear mini-studio with genuine faux-bamboo floor are SEVEN new additions to the Yoga Joes team:
• Eagle
• Wheel
• Happy Baby
• Peaceful Warrior
• Plank
• Triangle Pose
• Downward-facing Battle Dog

Comes complete with a Read more
Yoga Joes Series 2 by Humango Inc.
Yoga Joes Series 2 by Humango Inc.
Securely packaged in their clear mini-studio with genuine faux-bamboo floor are SEVEN new additions to the Yoga Joes team:
• Eagle
• Wheel
• Happy Baby
• Peaceful Warrior
• Plank
• Triangle Pose
• Downward-facing Battle Dog

Comes complete with a
Mighty Jaxx
Article code MIG20_381
available for ordering
The popular XXRAY Elmo design is going high-end, making the jump from vinyl to a luxurious all-wood design. The new Woodworked Dissected Elmo from Jason Freeny x Premiumworked combines Black Walnut and White Maple woods to showcase the artist’s split anat Read more
Mighty Jaxx Elmo (Woodworked) by Jason Freeny x Premiumworked
Mighty Jaxx
Elmo (Woodworked) by Jason Freeny x Premiumworked
The popular XXRAY Elmo design is going high-end, making the jump from vinyl to a luxurious all-wood design. The new Woodworked Dissected Elmo from Jason Freeny x Premiumworked combines Black Walnut and White Maple woods to showcase the artist’s split anat
available for ordering
Gear up for a new Friendly Fire! Decked in a glossy camo pattern, the iconic piece has the edge in a mean game of camouflage.

Friendly Fire (Weapon of Mouse Destruction) hides in the cover of dense vegetation, staking out enemies and always ready to s Read more
Mighty Jaxx Friendly Fire (Weapon of Mouse Destruction) by Jason Freeny
Mighty Jaxx
Friendly Fire (Weapon of Mouse Destruction) by Jason Freeny
Gear up for a new Friendly Fire! Decked in a glossy camo pattern, the iconic piece has the edge in a mean game of camouflage.

Friendly Fire (Weapon of Mouse Destruction) hides in the cover of dense vegetation, staking out enemies and always ready to s
Mighty Jaxx
Article code MIG20_155
available for ordering
Mike the monkey is a thug with a brutish nature. With a cigarette in one hand and booze in the other, he often wanders into dingy alleys ready to throw a stink eye at anyone that catches his gaze. This is one true ape that’s definitely itching for a fight Read more
Mighty Jaxx Mike the Monkey By Gang of Monster
Mighty Jaxx
Mike the Monkey By Gang of Monster
Mike the monkey is a thug with a brutish nature. With a cigarette in one hand and booze in the other, he often wanders into dingy alleys ready to throw a stink eye at anyone that catches his gaze. This is one true ape that’s definitely itching for a fight